Available courses

This is a short video, where you will find a short introduction regarding Vitrolife's group. In the video, the different departments will introduce themselves, and they will explain their functions and their organization.

Welcome to this ERA and EMMA training session. During the training, Maria Ruiz and Eva Gómez will review the key topics about endometrial tests in a comprehensive way. This content is addressed to Sales teams and Marketing teams and the session is conducted in English.

Based on the latest scientific publications, it is considered that if the embryo has a low-medium level of mosaicism (up to 50% aneuploid cells) they have a development potential equivalent to the completely euploid. This change in criteria increases the number of embryos that a doctor can transfer to a patient, given that until now mosaicisms of between 30% and 50% were considered aneuploid and were not transferred to patients.

This has very relevant implications, for this reason, Carmen Rubio's team explains this new change and the implications it will have for each affiliate.

We introduce the new GPDx Academy Hub with some training modules from an “Introduction to Genetics” to  the “Whole Exome Sequencing” and much more.

Whether you are in Accounting, Bussiness Development, or in the Lab, we all shall know some basics about Genetics and the Genetics Precision Diagnostics (GPDx) company products.

We want to make your learning journey fun and engaging… so we have created a global Igenomix competition: The Gene Run!

8 sprints in 2 months are you ready?

Genetics is the study of heredity - how traits are passed from parents to their offspring. This introduction to genetics takes you through the basic components of genetics: DNA, genes, chromosomes, and genetic inheritance.

This review covers the emerging field of new DNA sequencing technologies and outlines the potential benefits – and the challenges – of these technologies for reproductive genetics.

Igenomix has decided to launch a new business unit called Genomics Precision Diagnostics (GPDx) in all markets in 2021 with the objective of integrating genomics into clinical decisions, with a focus on the rare disease area.

GPDx is a complex service that allows personalization and differentiation, a field where Igenomix is good. There is a huge potential and we have the key ingredients to compete and present high-quality services that will help many patients and doctors.

We are going to gain an understanding of what Prenatal Care is and how Igenomix contributes in this area. Prenatal Genetic Diagnostics is a service that identifies genetic alterations in the fetus that can lead to a disorder during pregnancy or the neonatal period that is clinically actionable.

In this course, we will learn about the Single Gene Technologies, its different diagnostic tests for a concrete genetic disease associated to mutations in one specific gene or genomic region. Expansion Repeats (EXP) is a specific technology oriented to detect polynucleotide expansions in a gene or genomic region. The MLPA or multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, is a specific technology for CNVs in a gene or genomic region. And the Gene Sequencing (NGS) is oriented to detect DNA sequence variations in a gene or genomic region.

In this module, we will get to know another type of test within GPDx. It is a diagnostic test based on NGS of the complete coding region of all genes of the Human Genome. WES is the best option for non-specific genetic diagnosis. Our WES tests have been developed to maximize the diagnostic yield for patients with genetic disorders.

In this course of the Gene Run, we will learn about the Smart Solution, our Precision Panels by specialyties. A diagnostic test based on NGS of multiple genes associated to a disease, condition, or phenotype.

In this module we will see how the Genetics Counseling Support works. It consists of scheduling meetings with our Genetic Counselors, our experts, and access to Educational material through our Client and e-Learning platforms. These meetings could be in person or online.

The non-invasive test that allows us to prioritize for transfer the embryos with higher chance of being euploid, avoiding an invasive embryo biopsy.

El test no invasivo que nos permite priorizar la transferencia de aquellos embriones con la mayor probabilidad de ser cromosómicamente normales, evitando la biopsia embrionaria.

The Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA), is a test designed to evaluate endometrial receptivity. ERA® identifies the window of implantation (WOI) and recommends the best time for embryo transfer thereby increasing the chances of a successful outcome.

  • EMMA determines if the uterine microbial environment is optimal for embryo implantation.
  • ALICE is a diagnostic test to detect and quantify the eight most common pathogenic bacteria causing chronic endometritis, recommending appropriate antibiotic and probiotic treatment.

Aneuploid conceptions constitute the majority of pregnancy failures in women of advanced maternal age. The best way to combat age-related decline in fertility is through preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A). PGT-A allows for better embryo selection, which improves implantation rates with single embryo transfer and reduces miscarriages rates.

During the pregnancy, the mother´s bloodstream contains a mix of cfDNA that comes from her cells and cells from the placenta. These cells are shed into the mother´s bloodstream throughout pregnancy. The DNA in placental cells is usually identical to the DNA of the fetus. Analyzing cfDNA from the placenta provides an opportunity for early detection of certain genetic abnormalities without harming the fetus.

With this course, you´ll learn what the POC test is, and how the genetic study of fetal tissue is a valuable tool to determine if the cause of the miscarriage was the result of a chromosomal aneuploidy.

If both partners in a couple carry a mutation in the same gene, there is an increased risk of having an affected child. Using the CGT test, before pregnancy, we can determine if a person is a carrier of genetic mutations that could be transmitted to their children, thus preventing serious genetic disorders in their offspring.

PGT-M allows patients who are carriers or who are affected by genetic diseases to select unaffected embryos for transfer before becoming pregnant.

SAT is a diagnostic test to study the genetic etiology of male infertility. It allows us to evaluate the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in the sperm. It can identify males with a low chance of reproductive success.

Mitoscore is a mitochondrial biomarker which gives us an indicator of the energy status of an embryo. It allows us to select those embryos with the greatest probabilities for implantation, increasing the possibilities to result in a viable pregnancy through IVF/PGT-A. 

With this brief tutorial, you´ll learn, what the endometrial biopsy consists of, and how it´s performed to obtain the tissue sample and carry out the ERA® test 

Con este breve tutorial, pretendemos que conozcas, en qué consiste la biopsia endometrial, y cómo se realiza la misma para la obtención de la muestra de tejido y llevar a cabo el test ERA®

Durante un tratamiento de reproducción asistida, el embrión puede no implantar con éxito si no es transferido en el momento óptimo, ya que el endometrio sólo es receptivo durante un breve periodo de tiempo que varía de una mujer a otra, conocido como la ventana de implantación.

El test ERA, evalúa la receptividad endometrial y determina el momento óptimo para la transferencia embrionaria aumentando así las probabilidades de embarazo.

Estudios recientes señalan que el endometrio juega un importante papel en el éxito reproductivo de las pacientes, es por ello que IGENOMIX, lidera la investigación en este campo desarrollando nuevos test que analizan diferentes aspectos de la salud endometrial.

EMMA: Analiza el microbioma endometrial para un pronóstico reproductivo más favorable.

ALICE: Detecta las bacterias que causan endometritis crónica y recomienda el tratamiento adecuado.

Con este curso, pretendemos destacar la importancia que tienen los diferentes microorganismos en la salud y la enfermedad humana, analizar el impacto que tiene el microbioma endometrial en el resultado reproductivo de las pacientes  y por último, comprender como las variaciones en los niveles de Lactobacilos endometriales, pueden jugar un papel fundamental en la infertilidad.

La duración aproximada del mismo es de 40 minutos.


This, is an introductory course about genetic services that Igenomix provide to infertile couples for assisting them in their human reproduction cycle.

Strengthening health security by implementing the International Health Regulations (2005)

As part of our Organization's objective reinforcing our Corporate Governance Model and inside the Compliance area, we have developed a Criminal Risk Prevention Model based on the design of a plan for the prevention of the commission of crimes by our Organization and the compilation of existing procedures and controls for the effective prevention and mitigation of criminal risks.


With the aim that everyone has an appropriate understanding in this area, the Global Compliance Committee invites you to complete the following mandatory training available in English and Spanish.

In this course you will see how Salesforce Scheduler works behind the scenes. The aim of this training is lead you through the steps to configure and update a Genetic Counselor record inside Salesforce Scheduler. You will learn how to make the GC available for appointments in our scheduler page.

Introduction to Navision, basic steps on how to get started.

With this course you´ll learn tricks and useful tips to become an expert with this platform.

This tutorial will show you the basics for opening, recording and closing any incidence that can affect directly or indirectly to the correct process of the samples. This tutorial will either give you some guidelines about how to correctly classify those incidences.

This tutorial will teach you all you need to know about how to outsource samples in Navision.

With this tutorial you will learn all that you need to create a sales invoice and a credit memo in the system.

Learn how to get instant access and a good view of your suppliers' purchase history, outstanding orders and trade statistics, and how to get data to manage your valuable supplier relationships.

A short training course, with 8 quick tutorials about how to create a new Customer, and enter NACE, CGT, ERA, EndomeTrio and PGT-A cases in Navision.

In this course, you´ll learn basics about reporting NIPT cases.

Con este breve curso, podrás aprender las diferentes alternativas que existen para crear una OT (Orden de Trabajo) para CGT.

In this course, you´ll learn basics about reporting and close CGT cases.

A short tutorial, where you´ll learn how to pre-process a new Work Order (WO) for a PGT-A cases.

In this tutorial, you´ll learn basics about how to generate a PGT-A report in Navision.

In this course, you´ll learn basics about reporting Oncodona cases.

With this course, you will learn, how to set up maintenance information for fixed assets and describes the functionality and processes of registering maintenance on fixed assets.

This short presentation has been recorded to help you to understand what the quality team currently does and which sort of interactions you and us may have.

This tutorial will enable you to compare testing at your laboratory to a source outside the laboratory. For example, if an external provider sends unknown samples for testing to a set of laboratories, the results of all laboratories are analyzed, compared, and reported to the laboratories.

A short training course, with 3 brief tutorials about how to get started with SharePoint, a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office.

Webinar impartido por el Dr. Carlos Simón. Head of Scientific Advisory Board (Igenomix Foundation) en el que explica la importancia del COVID-19 y su implicación  en el embarazo y la Medicina Reproductiva.

Webinar impartida por la Dra. Moreno, donde habla de la importancia de la salud endometrial y de su flora, y su contribución con el embarazo.

Una de las preocupaciones más comunes cuando se valora la posibilidad de ser madre mediante un tratamiento de ovodonación es qué papel tiene la gestante en la herencia genética del futuro bebé. La influencia sobre la persona que será viene condicionada por dos factores clave: su composición genética y el ambiente (sus modificaciones epigenéticas).

This presentation provides a historical view of reproductive medicine, and sets out our mission and aims, to build the future in terms of the most important event in reproductive genetics, a healthy baby.

ENDOMETRIAL RECEPTIVITY COURSE: Dr. Carlos Simón: "Diagnosis of Endometrial Receptivity from the Bench to the Patient using an evidence based medicine approach".

Collaborative Clinical Research in progress.

ENDOMETRIAL RECEPTIVITY COURSE: María Ruiz: "How, When and to Whom".

ENDOMETRIAL RECEPTIVITY COURSE: Inmaculada Moreno. " The uterine microbiome".

PGDIS 2017: EMBRYO MANIPULATION COURSE: Mauricio Poli: "Blastocentesis protocol: Is it reliable method for Comprehensive Chromosome Screening?"

ESHRE 2017: Sonia Herraiz: "Two live birth after Stem cell ovarian auto-transplantation in Poor Responder women".

ESRHE 2017: Sandra Garcia: Feto-placental discrepancies in the analysis of products of conception in clinical miscarriages reveals that mosaicism is not restricted to trophoblast cells.

ESHRE 2017: Maria Vera: "Non-invasive PGS reveals the existence of complementary aneuploidy between DNA obtained from trophectoderm biopsies versus DNA in spent culture media in the same embryo".

EMBRYO MANIPULATION COURSE: Alejandro Chavez: "Reconstitution of Oocyte by spindle nuclear transfer for mitochondrial DNA Mutation".

EMBRYO MANIPULATION COURSE: Antonio Capalbo: "How to achieve reproductible outcome of blastocyst biopsy across different biopsy practitioners". 


"Strategies for blastocyst biopsy: Are all blastocysts biopsiable?"

ESHRE 2017: Xavi Santamaria: "Stem Cell treatment